Ejby Kirke - Køge
If you want a tour of the church and/or the cemetery, send an e-mail to egon.toft@mail.dk. In addition to Danish, the tour can also be conducted in English and fairly understandable German.
Ejby Church is an old medieval church, its Romanesque nave from c. 1150–1200 was extended to the east in the Gothic period, and in the late Gothic period (c. 1500) three extensions were added, i.e. tower, vestry and porch.
The baptismal font dates from c. 1300.
It was created in Gothland limestone and decorated with engraved figures of apostles and saints.
The canopy type altarpiece was painted in 1596 with catechism tablets.The pulpit in auricular style dates from 1625.
The organ has 15 stops distributed on two manuals and a pedal and was built by Gunnar F. Husteds Orgelbyggeri in 1995.
Of particular interest are the church's two tympana, i.e. reliefs that previously sat above the south and north entrance to the church. They are now to be seen inside the church, carved into the wall just in front of the organ. The south wall tympanum depicts Christ as Judge of the World, while the one on the north wall depicts the hideous Lindworm.